Sunday, November 28, 2010


It is with regret that I have to inform you I will be missing from school from 25th November until the start of the New Year in January. You are aware that I have had certain health issues over the last three and a half years and the support I have received from the St Peter’s community, friends and parents of St Peter’s has been incredibly humbling. I am so grateful for all the prayers and good wishes. Indeed, my family are also incredibly grateful for all the support. I am hopeful that this absence will be the last one for the foreseeable future. I will be having surgery which my consultants are hopeful, if successful, should substantially improve my quality of life and avoid the intermittent visits to hospital that have taken place, particularly over the last 9 months. We are all hoping and praying that this will be the case.

As always during my time away the school will be in the very capable hands of Mr Phillip Rush. Phillip has been tremendous the way he has stepped in over the last three years and I hope you agree that the school has not been affected and, more importantly, your child’s education has not been in any way diminished by my absence. I have always emphasised that St Peter’s is successful because of the team and the community spirit and no one individual is responsible for that. Although I will not be in work before the Christmas holiday I hope to contribute to the final newsletter of the term so I will save my Christmas best wishes until then. Do please, however, try to support the Christmas activities outlined in this newsletter and please remember in your prayers all members of our community who are undergoing medical treatment or suffering from bereavement.

Yours sincerely

Lawrence Montagu


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