Monday, November 08, 2010


We are having increasing difficulty with people parking in the vicinity of the school, particularly at the end of the day, and causing a nuisance to our neighbours. It really is very unfair for people to have to struggle to gain access to their own property because people are waiting to collect their sons and daughters.

The police have been informed of this problem and I fear parking tickets will be issued in the near future if the situation continues.

NB. I cannot stress enough that the most beneficial way, in terms of relations with our local community, and the safest way for you to collect your sons and daughters, is to arrange to come on to the school premises at 4.00pm, when our bus bay will be empty and you can collect your child in safety. By waiting outside at the end of the day you and your child will be moving at a time of maximum risk. That is because all of our buses will be moving along Stroud Road and there will be in excess of 300 cyclists and pedestrians moving at the same time. I ask you to seriously consider the benefits of trying to pick your son or daughter up 20 minutes later than recommended, as against the risk of being involved in a serious accident!


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