• To Ben Rolfe (Year 10) who is a keen sailor racing in both Topper and Laser 4.7 dinghies. During the past 12 months Ben has been competing against over 200 other juniors at national events across the country as well as taking part in a week long National Championship event at Phwelli, Wales. As a result of his efforts he has been selected along with 24 other sailors to join the Topper National Development Squad. The pinnacle of his year will be to take part in the World Championships next summer in Ireland.
• To all our students, parents, friends and staff who contributed to such an excellent Children In Need day. We raised £3,000 and I am particularly indebted to the sixth form who led the activities by dressing up in the most bizarre costumes. How our number in the sixth form was not considerably reduced by hypothermia amazed me!! It did, however, once again show St Peter’s at its very best in coming together to support those who are less fortunate.
• To the brilliant cast of Bugsy Malone. I am sure those of you who saw the performance will agree that it was simply outstanding. It reflected maximum effort on the part of the students and also the incredible expertise we have in our school in the persons of Helen Haywood our Director of Performing Arts and Catherine Perfect our Director of Music. Together with their excellent departments they really do inspire our young people to achieve levels of excellence which would be the envy of any school in the country. In thanking all concerned I would also like to place on record my thanks to the many support and teaching staff who worked so hard behind the scenes to make sure our young people have the opportunity to exhibit their talents and abilities.
• To those of you who have already contributed presents for our Giving Tree. I am most grateful to those who have already sent in gifts. To those who have not, an opportunity will be available until Monday 20 December. These presents, as always, will be such essentials as: toiletries, hats, scarves, gloves and sweets. I remind you the gifts will be divided between GEAR and the Women’s Refuge. I am most grateful to Governor, Margaret Barnsley and Jan Gregory from our Student Support Services for organising the Giving Tree and giving us the opportunity to show support to those in need this Christmas.
As I put this newsletter together I am thinking, in advance, of the staff and students who will be providing the Carols By Candlelight this evening at the Church of the Immaculate Conception in Stroud. Once again they have rehearsed immensely hard under the direction of Catherine Perfect to put on a meaningful celebration. If you have not yet obtained tickets simply turn up at the door for 7.00pm start and I assure you it will be an excellent start to Christmas celebrations.
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