Monday, November 08, 2010


The 'Life's Got Talent!' event which was held in the school was a success with over 120 people attending and over £1,000 raised on the night.

I would like to express thanks, on behalf of everyone at Gloucester Life, to those at the school who enabled us to host the event there and who offered their support. I have sent some personal thank you’s to the performers (inc from school - Paul Murray, Dafydd Richards, Peter Taylor, Bernadette Johns, Laurence and Eileen Padfield). I have copied in Seb Hammond, who with Jack Metcalf, Lino Meloscia and one or two others did a fantastic job with technical support - THANK YOU! Many thanks also to the group of volunteers who ran the refreshment bar, and Kieran who was extremely helpful and worked very hard on the night. I know that Mr Montagu mentioned the event many times over the tannoy, and I believe he attended. His support has been most gratefully received and appreciated.

Overall it was a great team effort and much positive feedback has been received.

Clare Northcott


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